The current websites for information about Mo i Rana and the surrounding region are designed to provide good and relevant information to existing residents or to tourists. The aim of moirana.green is to be a supplement to these, and to be particularly aimed at you who are considering looking for a job and settling in the region.
Emphasis has been placed on being informative and that the websites should be logically sectioned and easy to use for those seeking information. An attempt has been made to maintain an informal and unceremonious style, and therefore you will find everything from mentions of the local research environment to local baking recipes. After all, it is healthy and fun to have some leisure pursuits and an outdoor life.
If you are interested in history, you can find something to read, and you will also find an overview of our local cultural and sporting life.
Mo i Rana is less more exiting without its surroundings. Without the wild mountain terrain, the rivers and the coast, Mo i Rana would have been a regular town among many. It is the contrasts of the weather and the seasons, the soft coastline and the sharp peaks that create an arena for local creativity, innovation, and the belief that the impossible is possible.
This website's front page is not an online newspaper for the region. The goal is to convey some information about local innovation and business life that is sustainable and future oriented. Interesting stories will be appreciated. Please send an email. If you are from outside, we hope the website gives you inspiration to find out more. If you have any questions, just get in touch, or find the relevant links and adresses in one of the many articles.
The website is owned and operated by Yamo AS, a company which on a daily basis runs as an information consultancy.