Well, at a science center you don't have to be curious before you come, because your curiosity grows the further into the room you come. You're going to be curious about things you did not anticipate existed, and here is your age completely irrelevant. The best thing about a science center is that here you can touch and do, not only watch. Science Center Nordland is an oasis for play and learning for both large and small families, and here you can come alone to experiment.

Science Center Nordland is a popular science experience and learning center in mathematics, science and technology where you learn to experiment yourself. Nordland's natural resources, technology and digitalisation are the main themes at the science center. Join in different activities and find out how different phenomena work in practice.
Test your skills and learn about the body
Test your speed on the running track. How much do you have in your heart rate after you have run? How fast does your heart rate drop? Who has the best balance in the family? Who has the best responsiveness? All this and much more you can explore in the body area. In the sensory room, you can explore your senses through touch, foreign sounds and new impressions.

Explore energy
Energy is what makes things happen. What and how much energy does it take for you to watch your favorite program on TV? How much do you have to step on the bike? Join in and check out the tough orbit.
A journey in the Planetarium
Learn about constellations and the different planets in our solar system. What is a black hole? How is the Northern Lights created? Join a journey in space in the 360-degree planetarium.

Sustainability and the environment
The science center has a strong focus on sustainability, the environment and the climate. At the environmental store you can learn more about what we actually eat, sustainable agriculture, recycling and composting. With the climate game, you learn more about our climate footprint and how we humans affect the climate on earth.
Explore Nordland's Natural Resources
Settlement and business activity in Nordland are largely based on the utilization of natural resources. Learn more about our history, the sea and its treasures, agriculture and the industry that surrounds us.