The mining industry is in transition to greater sustainability. Photo from one of Rana Gruber's closed open pits. Photo: Øystein Bentzen | Yamo
Arctic Cluster Team (ACT) is Mo i Rana based and is one of Norway's leading industrial clusters with more than 90 partners from all over the country. The cluster includes partners from the entire value chain linked to the Norwegian process industry, and has set itself the goal of being a spearhead in the Norwegian sustainable transition. Through increased innovation and competitiveness in industry, ACT will contribute to meeting Norway's climate commitments.

Global responsibility in business development is a pillar at ACT. Illustration: Dreamstime
ACT will participate in the development of innovative solutions for CO2 reduction, strengthen the circular economy and create smart production both for the Arctic and the rest of the world. The process industry companies in the team work together to find new and sustainable solutions, and a row of competent suppliers contribute to innovation and creativity.
The mix of large and small development-oriented supplier companies with familiarity and proximity to the process industry provides opportunities for international commercialization of newly developed solutions. The collaboration with SINTEF, NTNU and other research institutions makes the innovation more competent and constitutes an important success factor for new sustainable solutions.
Norwegian Innovation Clusters
The cluster program is state-funded and will contribute to value creation through sustainable innovation. This video from Innovation Norway tells what the program aims to be.
Norwegian Innovation Clusters, are jointly owned by Innovation Norway, SIVA and the Research Council and are managed on behalf of the Ministry of Trade and Fisheries and the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation.
The Arctic Cluster Team was accepted into the national cluster program, Norwegian Innovation Clusters in 2017. In 2020, ACT was granted promotion to ARENA PRO, which has a five-year program perspective. The Arena program offers financial and professional support for the long-term development of regional business environments and shall contribute to strengthened competitiveness based on cooperation between the cluster partners, R&D and educational environments and with public development actors.
In just a few years, ACT has grown from 40 to 90 partners. The promotion to ARENA PRO has given the cluster a doubling of resources to work further with the sustainable transformation of the industry. ACT covers the entire value chain from the production of renewable power and extraction of minerals, to delivered goods and services.
ACT's center of gravity is on Helgeland, but for the cluster it is important to include all relevant actors, in addition to central research environments and educational institutions.
ACT is open to companies that want to contribute to the development of a more sustainable industry in the north through collaboration and open innovation. Read more on ACT's informative website.