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There are not many municipalities in Norway that have invested similarly in the development of new primary school buildings in recent years, as Rana municipality. Between 2015 and 2021, there were invested NOK 1.5 billion in new buildings and outdoor areas. This new schools are a joy for both teachers and students. For the municipality, there is a determined focus on both strong professional environments for the employees, and safe and inspiring student environments. The three remaining municipal district schools can expect increased investment in the years to come.


1: Båsmo Primary School

2: Ytteren Primary School

3: Selfors Primary School

4: Gruben Primary School

5: Lyngheim Primary School

6: Rana Ungdomsskole, S

7: Rana Ungdomsskole, M

Outside the map:

Hauknes Primary

Skonseng Primary

Utskarpen Pre/Sec

Storforshei Pre/Sec

Dalselv Montessoriskole

Grønnfjelldal Montessoriskole

Inclusion, belonging and learning
In Mo i Rana, the public school's aims to offer good and safe conditions for children and young people at school age. The Rana municipality, the management and the teachers have taken seriously the importance that all children and youngsters deserv the experiencing of belonging and inclusion in a safe health-promoting schools.

The brand new Gruben Barneskole opened autumn 2021. Photo: Gruben Barneskole

Rana municipality aims to offer children and youngsters a school day with health-promoting outdoor areas and in satisfying and modern school buildings. All students are assigned their own tablet, and students' digital skills are a natural part of the basis for learning work both in and across academic subjects. This provides opportunities for new and changed learning processes and working methods, but also places increased demands on teachers 'competence and students' digital judgment.


The school department in Rana municipality is responsible for the operation of 10 schools with approx. 450 employees who makes the learning for approx. 2900 students. The smallest school, Utskarpen Barne- og Ungdomsskole, has around 70 pupils, while the largest is Rana ungdomsskole has more than 800 pupils in two locations.


A good start of life
Early intervention in Rana's schools is about all children getting a good start in life, and that social inequalities should be evened out. Early intervention and inclusion in the educational context means that kindergartens and schools work closely and systematically, and implement needs-oriented measures for children and pupils when necessary. That also includes to prioritize interdisciplinary collaboration with various professional bodies, and not least; good co-creation with working life and volunteering.

Good school environment
A lot of attention is paid to the students' psychosocial work environment. In Ranaskolen, this is one of the basic pillars for the schools' effort with the student's well-being and learning. The individual school's management and employees work continuously to develop their own competence and try out preventive measures that ensure that the pupils meet a safe and well-being-promoting school environment.


As many as 25 different nations are represented in the multicultural diversity in the Rana schools. Rana municipality is also working to be able to offer an international primary school offer, ie IB, international baccalaureate.

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